1. Castorone (Pipelaying Vessel)
Instrument and electrical cabling – various systems, Singapore 2012
Installation and testing of change over panel boards, USA 2013
2. Castoro Otto (Derrick/Pipelay Ship)
Cable installations and testing – AmClyde Crane, Singapore 2012
3. Castoro 7 (Semi-sub Pipelaying Vessel)
Installation and testing of power inverter boards, Curacao 2013
4. Castoro 10 (Trench/Pipelay Barge)
Cable installations and circuit integrity testing - various electrical equipment, Singapore 2012
5. Castoro 12 (Pipelay Barge)
Electrical installation of pipe tensioner, Kuryk - Kazakhstan 2012
6. Castoro 16 (Flat Deck Barge)
Consmar provided electrical resources and field supervision for the various electrical works onboard the barge. This included cable trays, cabling, testing and some minor works, Kuryk - Kazakhstan 2010
Modification of mechanical supports for electrical installation, cabling, circuit integrity testing and pre-commissioning, Kuryk - Kazakhstan 2011
7. Saipem 7000 (Semi-sub Crane and J-lay DP Vessel)
Cable installations and circuit integrity testing - various electrical equipment systems, Stavanger 2014
8. Saipem 3000 (DP Crane Vessel)
Cabling of no. 2 MCC (Motor Control Center) systems, testing and pre-commissioning. Maintenance of vessel’s DP3 system components – Rotterdam 2014
9. Saipem FDS (Field Development Ship)
Maintenance of electrical control boards (drivers & tensonmeters), Singapore – Cape Town, 2013
10. Saibos 230 (Work Barge)
Installation of the electrical distribution board, Congo 2013
11. Scarabeo 3(Semi-sub Drilling Rig)
Maintenance and repair of electrical motors, Gabon 2013
12. Scarabeo 92012
Mechanical supports preparation (cable trays, cable transits etc.) and cable installations, Trinidad & Tobago 2012
13. Saipem TAD (Drilling Barge)
Consmar provided E & I resources and supervision for upgrading of TAD drilling equipment set. This involved cable supports, cabling, integrity testing and pre-commissioning, Pointe Noire - Congo 2010
14. Perro Negro (Jack-up Rig)
Maintenance works, Bahrein 2015
15. Saipem 10000 (Deep-water Drillship)
Electrical maintenance works, Marseilles 2015